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Innovation Hub


Stories that


A dynamic ecosystem where authors, ​filmmakers, and creators converge to ​explore, learn, and introduce stories that ​drive impactful change.

Two Women in Formal Wear Posing with Their Arms Crossed

Suleika Mueller Portrait of Women

We extend a warm invitation to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) creators, inviting you to bring your unique stories into the spotlight. Our commitment is rooted in a dedication to fostering inclusivity, representation, and diverse storytelling.

BIPOC creators bring a wealth of cultural knowledge, traditions, and histories to their work. By embracing this diversity, we can be part of a broader industry transformation hosting narratives that reflect the complexity and beauty of the global human experience. Authentic storytelling not only resonates with diverse audiences but also contributes to breaking stereotypes and promoting understanding.

In essence, our collaboration with BIPOC creators is not just a commitment; it's a celebration of the rich tapestry of humanity and a pledge to contribute to a more inclusive and representative film industry.

Revolutionizing ​Film Marketing

Your cinematic creation deserves more than ​traditional promotion—it deserves an innovative ​journey. Here's how our Innovation Hub ​transforms the marketing landscape for your ​project.

Global Reach: Your film will be strategically promoted across international platforms, leveraging social media to amplify engagement across different cultures and backgrounds. We believe every film deserves a worldwide stage and are committed to captivating audiences for a more impactful connection.

Immersive Teasers: Utilize innovative teaser trailers that captivate viewers with a sneak peek into the revolutionary elements of your film leveraging technology to create a dynamic and memorable viewing experience.

Fashion male model

Director's Insights: Showcase the creative journey with exclusive interviews, sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses, allowing audiences to connect with the visionary minds behind the film.

Key Collaborations: Collaborate with influencers aligned with your film's ethos, amplifying visibility and creating a buzz within their engaged communities.

Young Woman in Bright Green Coat

Virtual Premieres: Host exclusive virtual premieres, leveraging interactive websites that immerse visitors in the world of your film, turning the promotional journey into an unforgettable exploration.

Empowering Creators

Connect with industry veterans and seasoned professionals who offer personalized guidance and insights to navigate the complexities of the film industry through intimate discussions.

Virtual/In Person

Expert Fireside Chats

Explore financial support options through various funding programs designed to back visionary projects. Your creative ideas deserve the resources to flourish.

Resource Links

Funding Opportunities

Potential to have your work featured in prestigious film festivals, broadening your exposure and opening doors to new opportunities.

Selected Submissions Only

Film Festivals

Amplify your presence and connect with new audiences through live panel events where you can articulate your industry experiences, challenges, and strategies that have paved your path to success.

Live Event Opportunities

Engage with fellow creators in dedicated collaborative spaces, fostering an environment where ideas are exchanged, partnerships are formed, and creativity flourishes.

Collaboration Spaces

Benefit from tailored marketing strategies to amplify the visibility of your creations. Our team works to showcase your work to a global audience.

Marketing Support

Submission categories

Membership to the Innovation Hub is required to submit ​your project to our streaming platform or to be considered ​for industry festivals.





The gateway for gripping and ​well-developed story arcs that ​keep audiences eagerly ​awaiting the next book.

Share engaging discussions, interviews, and insights that evoke emotions and sparks conversations.

Dive into the narrative, showcase your storytelling prowess, and captivate audiences with your full-length feature.

Make a powerful impact in a shorter runtime with compelling stories, experimental works, or captivating narratives.

Empowering ​Authors to ​Tell Their ​Stories

Looking to elevate your craft, connect with ​fellow storytellers, and bring your unique ​voice to the world? At Upland Studios ​Innovation Hub, we are dedicated to helping ​authors like you explore, learn, and pitch ​their stories in a supportive and dynamic ​environment.

Vibrant Community

Engage with a vibrant community of authors ​through our exclusive online forum. Share ​ideas, ask questions, and collaborate with ​fellow writers who share your passion for ​storytelling.

Updated Classics Headshots Portrait of Female Professionals

Workshops and ​Seminars:

Workshops and seminars, ​led by industry experts, ​cover everything from ​character development ​and plotting to publishing ​and marketing. Gain the ​knowledge you need to go ​from manuscript to screen.

Portrait of young woman in monochrome pink tones

Project Pitch

Showcase your work at our ​biannual pitch events, ​where you can receive ​constructive feedback and ​explore potential ​collaboration opportunities. ​This is your chance to get ​your manuscripts in front of ​the right people.

A Portrait of Male Model Wearing Black Suit and Hat During Photoshoot



Access to our library of ​books, templates, and ​online courses tailored to ​support your writing ​journey. Whether you're ​looking for inspiration, ​research materials, or ​writing tips, our resource ​library has you covered.

Fashion Girl In Green Jacket

become a visionary member

Impact-Driven ​Storytel​ling

Join Upland Studios Innovation Hub and embark on ​a journey where your creativity knows no bounds ​and cinematic storytelling transcends boundaries. ​Join a community of visionary filmmakers and ​writers who share a passion for pushing the ​boundaries of cinematic expression to drive social ​change.

Join Upland Studios Innovation Hub and embark on a journey where your creativity knows no bounds.